Saturday, August 30, 2008

Return of the Conservative

That would be the return of conservative values to the plate. I woke up yesterday morning to find some long awaited good news on my television set. As I sat down with Fox News filling my screen, I saw the headline that Senator McCain had finally picked, and announced his VP choice. Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin. I first got to research her a few weeks ago, actually. It was during a google search for hot politicians, that I came across an issues breakdown page that had her stances on key issues, and her ideas for direction. Pro-Second Ammendment, a life-time member of the National Rifle Association, avid hunter and fisher, and so on. I first thought to myself that she seemed like she had at least half a clue what she was talking about in regards ro gun ownership rights, which is far more than what we can say for most other politicians. Governor Palin is also vehemently Pro-Life. And for this she is to be commended. She recently gave birth to a new child, who unfortunately is afflicted with Down's syndrome. Instead of cowering behind Roe V Wade, as so many liberals like to do, she and her husband stepped up to the plate, accepted the responsibility that they put themselves into, and welcomed their new baby boy into the world (which would be their fifth). And they couldn't be happier. Nor is there any reason they shoudn't be.
Over all day yesterday and today, I've been hearing both praise and comndemnation for Governor Palin. Rush Limbaugh, Roger Hedgecock, and many other media outlets on the forefront of coherent thinking, have stood up and lauded the efforts of the VP pick, and are showing enthusiasm for where this election could go. In fact, I would honestly have to say, that I believe that Senator McCain picking her as his Vice-Presidential running mate has energized his almost doomed campaign. I can only speak for myself when I say that before this announcement, I really had no idea what I was going to do on election day. Senator McCain had left a slightly bad taste in my mought during the primary campaign. I knew that I couldn't and would not ever vote for Obama, and the idea of voting for McCain gave me reserves, but I still gave thought to it, since I knew note voting would be the same as giving a vote to Obama, and giving the Democrats the White House. However, after hearing that this election will be McCain/Palin against Obama/Biden, I knew that my vote was solid in the Republicans court. Should anything happen to President McCain, let's pray nothing does, then Vice-President Palin would step up to the plate, and show the world that she is more than capable to take the reigns. America would then, along with having the first Madame President, have the first, First Gentleman. Governor Palin's husband is a man's man. He doesn't get $300 haircuts, and manicures. He's a blue-collar, steel workers union (No, I'm still not pro-union), hunter, fisher, sportsman, father, and leader. He's has just as much class, as his beautiful wife, and she has a lot. I think it would also be safe to say that these two may also bring back some class to Washington DC that has been missing for many, many years.
To continue to toot Governor Palin's horn, she, like many other mother's, has an enlisted son. Her eldest son, about a year ago enlisted in the United States Army, and will be shipping out to Iraq on September 11th. Cindy that. Your insipid belly-aching over the loss of your son has cast a digusting shadow over your son's death, and left a stain on the country he swore to defend. I'm sure he'd be turning in his grave if he knew what you were up to. I seriously doubt that, if in the same situation, that Governor Sarah Palin would follow in your footsteps. She understands the choice her son has made, and stands by him in his decision. That's how responsible parents act.
And with that, there is reason to celebrate now in the GOP. It's time to break out the walking shoes. With her acceptance to run with Senator McCain, I feel rejuvinated with this campaign, an dI look forward to doing whatever I can to make sure the McCain/Palin are shown to their new offices in Washington DC come January.

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