Friday, August 22, 2008

Chinese lies and the announcement of Joe Biden: Coincidence?

Over the last week or so the media has been in a feeding frenzy over the two top biggest news morsels in a long buffet line of news stories happening all over. Casey Anthony was freed, a tropical storm came in, Russia lied when they signed the cease fire, Mayor Bloomberg wants to put windmills on top of the buildings, and so on. No two stories have taken up more of my tv screen this week, than China lying about their gymnastics girl's ages, and Senator Obama's pick for his VP candidate. Is it mere coincidence that these two stories are happening simultaneously? Yup, but it's still kinda funny to think that the two biggest communist countries in the world are making news at the same time for lying to the world the same week as the DNC National Convention. Senator Obama made his choice in Senator Joe Biden. I'm reminded of a liberal literary favorite entitled "LIES! AND THE LYING LIARS THAT TELL THEM." Communist China is lying, Communist Russia is lying, and then the news comes out about this. Hmmmmmm... It very well could be pure coincidence, and more than likely is, but it's still entertaining.
Enough about that, let's discuss what exactly we're getting ourselves into with this selection. Senator Biden, who has been serving in the US Senate since the 70's, is an open supporter of Roe v Wade. This is pretty much in tune with Senator Obama's stance, but hopefully not as extreme. Obama thinkis it's still ok to abort the child, even after it's already been born. Is anyone else feeling kinda sick? It was my understanding that liberals long held to the belief that life did not begin until th efetus exited the womb. Yet, here is a clear case in which the fetus had exited, and Barack still says, it's ok to end the child's life. With these two on the ticket for the dems, I don't see much changing in the struggle for ending this heinous practice. Although, I'm still wondering how one can be for post-birth abortions, and anti-death penalty. It's ok to kill a baby, but no ok to kill a heinous monster who just raped and murdered a seven year-old? Where are your priorities Mr. Senator?
Oil: ANWR. this has to be the pot of gold a tthe end of the rainbow. Just sitting there waiting to be taken. So much oil sits under the ANWR preserve that could just about free us from the dependency of foreign oil that we have in this country. And we just can't get to it, because the democrats just refuse to listen to reason, and want to only spout rhtoric about our energy crisis, instead of actually doing anything. And, guessed it. Senator Biden is one of those liberal do-nothings. He has continously voted against drilling in the Alaskan oil field, off-shore sites (one of which holds more oil than all of Saudi Arabia combined). How the hell are we supposed to free ourselves, if you won't let us, Mr. Senator?
Time and time again Senator Biden has presented the American public with a problem, and no real solution. His voting record speaks for itself when you see how he voted on certain issues (Iraq War, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, etc...) and the flip-flops afterward. Wait....isn't that from the Senator Kerry Playbook? Delaware and Massachusetts are pretty close to each other. "I voted for the war, but that was before I voted against it!" Wow! That's amazing.
I'm left with a bad taste in my mouth for our United States Senate. With these two bozo's representing the DNC ticket, and the Dems controlling both houses, this only brings to light the continuing follies and bends in the truth that that would love for us to believe. It's so easy to see that Obama/Biden are going to base their campaign on pulling a blanket over our eyes, and putting on a show for the American public like David Coperfield. Only this time, when we open our eyes, we'll be missing our pay checks every time we go to the pumps. We'll be spending more on the taxes they created to fund themselves, than what we're actually getting.
I'm no more impressed with Obama's pick, than if he had picked Senator Clinton. At least with her, you know you're getting screwed from the beginning.
Senator McCain, where's your answer?

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