Tuesday, August 19, 2008

8-19-08. I'M A NEW BLOGGER!!!!

Well, here I start my blog. My own little section of the web to post my rantings and ravings of the audacities of the liberal left and the Democratic National Committee...and sometimes the misadventures into stupidity of my own party, the Republican National Committe (GOP), the conservative wing. Hopefully that won't be as often. As most folks who already know me, know that I am fairly bull headed, and it takes a lot to get me to change my views on most anything, but I'm always willing to listen to a new point of view. I may not agree with it, but at least I'll listen. I draw from many different influences. First off, my grandfather. Unfortunately for the world, he passed away a couple of years ago. Fighting in WWII, LT Richard Wilbur, USN, gave birth to my mama in the fifties, who then gave birth to an over-opinionitve little boy at the beginning of the eighties. That was me. I grew up listening to Rush Limbaugh on the radio, and even watching his tv program. I read Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, the Politically Incorrect Guides, etc... I drive home from work everyday listening to Roger Hedgecock. Yup, I live in sunny San Diego, California. Probably the last bastion of conservative though in Southern California. We can just give up on North California. That's one big safe haven for liberal follies.
Now that you guys know a little bit about me, let's get this shin-dig started.
In the news nowadays, as we all know, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) is facing off against Senator Barrak Obama (D-IL). At this point all I've determined is that I'm not voting for Senator Obama. I have yet to form an opinion on Senator McCain. I have reservations on his plan for immigration reform. Something about such a blanket of amnesty for people soaking up my tax dollars while remaining within the United States illegaly just disturbs me.
As for Senator Obama....I just simply cannot support him. His plans for troop pullouts based on his timeline is wrong. His being dead set against drilling (even though recently saying he might support in the idea of compromise) is wrong. I just don't believe him. His ideas, while having sometimes the right thing at heart, are not fully thought out, ill-advised, and mostly appearing to be only for star charm. And what the hell is the idea of having George Clooney as a top advisor? Did I miss something? I know President Reagan, Governor Ventura, and Governor Szchwarzenegger were all movie stars as well, but something about Mr. Clooney all of the sudden becoming a top advisor to a presidential candidate seems odd. I need to do some more researching on this before I speak anymore on it. Same goes with Angelina Jolie, who seems to have turned a new leaf over the last year, and now, to some small degree, supports the efforts our troops are making in Iraq ro rebuild the war-torn country and restore peace (what little actually exists between the three tribes). Again, I need to dig a little more on this, even though Rosanne Barr seems to be pretty pissed at her for her supporting the efforts while having asian and african childeren. Seems Rosanne thinks that Angelina's adopted kids should be influencing her to support Senator Obama alone. She even said as much in her post saying that since one of her kids skin colo matched Senator Obama's, then she should support him because of that. What a strange woman.
Anyhow, that's the end of my first entry here. I hope I've at least touched your curiosity to come back from time to time to read my thoughts on what's going on in the politcal arena. I'll do my best to update a few times a week. If I fall behind, I apologize. I do keep a hectic schedule at my real job.

1 comment:

Hill Country Blogger said...

Heh, I used to be a Republicrat too! Then I learned they say the same thing differently and then end up raising taxes.

I'm still voting for Dr. Paul