Saturday, August 30, 2008

Return of the Conservative

That would be the return of conservative values to the plate. I woke up yesterday morning to find some long awaited good news on my television set. As I sat down with Fox News filling my screen, I saw the headline that Senator McCain had finally picked, and announced his VP choice. Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin. I first got to research her a few weeks ago, actually. It was during a google search for hot politicians, that I came across an issues breakdown page that had her stances on key issues, and her ideas for direction. Pro-Second Ammendment, a life-time member of the National Rifle Association, avid hunter and fisher, and so on. I first thought to myself that she seemed like she had at least half a clue what she was talking about in regards ro gun ownership rights, which is far more than what we can say for most other politicians. Governor Palin is also vehemently Pro-Life. And for this she is to be commended. She recently gave birth to a new child, who unfortunately is afflicted with Down's syndrome. Instead of cowering behind Roe V Wade, as so many liberals like to do, she and her husband stepped up to the plate, accepted the responsibility that they put themselves into, and welcomed their new baby boy into the world (which would be their fifth). And they couldn't be happier. Nor is there any reason they shoudn't be.
Over all day yesterday and today, I've been hearing both praise and comndemnation for Governor Palin. Rush Limbaugh, Roger Hedgecock, and many other media outlets on the forefront of coherent thinking, have stood up and lauded the efforts of the VP pick, and are showing enthusiasm for where this election could go. In fact, I would honestly have to say, that I believe that Senator McCain picking her as his Vice-Presidential running mate has energized his almost doomed campaign. I can only speak for myself when I say that before this announcement, I really had no idea what I was going to do on election day. Senator McCain had left a slightly bad taste in my mought during the primary campaign. I knew that I couldn't and would not ever vote for Obama, and the idea of voting for McCain gave me reserves, but I still gave thought to it, since I knew note voting would be the same as giving a vote to Obama, and giving the Democrats the White House. However, after hearing that this election will be McCain/Palin against Obama/Biden, I knew that my vote was solid in the Republicans court. Should anything happen to President McCain, let's pray nothing does, then Vice-President Palin would step up to the plate, and show the world that she is more than capable to take the reigns. America would then, along with having the first Madame President, have the first, First Gentleman. Governor Palin's husband is a man's man. He doesn't get $300 haircuts, and manicures. He's a blue-collar, steel workers union (No, I'm still not pro-union), hunter, fisher, sportsman, father, and leader. He's has just as much class, as his beautiful wife, and she has a lot. I think it would also be safe to say that these two may also bring back some class to Washington DC that has been missing for many, many years.
To continue to toot Governor Palin's horn, she, like many other mother's, has an enlisted son. Her eldest son, about a year ago enlisted in the United States Army, and will be shipping out to Iraq on September 11th. Cindy that. Your insipid belly-aching over the loss of your son has cast a digusting shadow over your son's death, and left a stain on the country he swore to defend. I'm sure he'd be turning in his grave if he knew what you were up to. I seriously doubt that, if in the same situation, that Governor Sarah Palin would follow in your footsteps. She understands the choice her son has made, and stands by him in his decision. That's how responsible parents act.
And with that, there is reason to celebrate now in the GOP. It's time to break out the walking shoes. With her acceptance to run with Senator McCain, I feel rejuvinated with this campaign, an dI look forward to doing whatever I can to make sure the McCain/Palin are shown to their new offices in Washington DC come January.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Liberal League Baseball?

As I sit here stupified by the audacity of liberalism, I have open in another window the sad story of a nine-year old boy, whose baseball team was disqualified by the little league in Connecticut because he was too good. This just stinks of typical liberal muck. How often do we hear about someone being successful and starting to climb out of the ordinary, mundane world in which they leave, only to be pulled back in by those that want you to remain in the realm of normalcy. The liberal movement over the last 50 years has produced a train of thought amongst their subsribers, that if you are successful, it's not only your responsibility to help everyone else around out, but it's your legal obligation. Bill Gates and his wife have obviously climbed the ladder of success and built themselves a beautiful home in the Pacific Northwest. Using his vast knowledge of computer sciences, he forged his own future and pioneered his industry. And due to his contributions to our economy (new products for purchase on a constant basis, and increased ability to communicate) the liberals constantly attack him for not spending all of his hard-earned money on everyone else, moving into a normal home in the ghettos of New York, and living in trash the way they think that all of us Americans apparently live in.
This all relates to this young boy in Connecticut, because, as I watch from the news stories, his case is much like Bill Gates, Steve jobs, Micahel Dell, and other successful business giants who constantly get attacked from the elitest members of the liberal left. Yes, elitest. Because while they go through their constant verbal assaults on big businesses, they themselves are creating lucritive business deals to ensure their own little slice of the treasury pie. And then, condemn others who make any attempt to raise themselves up a tax-bracket or two. So, as this young boy steps onto the pitcher's mound at another empty ball park, because the liberal leaders of this community have declared that his team os no longer allowed to compete in any furhter events within the league, because he's just too good. His natural talent does not allow for competetive growth within their own childeren, becaseu nobody has taught their childeren yet, how to deal with defeat. It's a wonder how none of the mothers of young nerdy kids have never sued the family of another popular girl for rejecting their kid's to prom. Or is that right around the corner? I thought that winning and losing was all just a part of youth sports. I remember when I was playing soccer when I was younger, my coach would always tell us that some of our best games would be games that we wouldn't win. He was right. I remember several games we played, where all of us on the field played our little hearts out. We ended up losing sometimes, but when we played our best, and played as a team, we actually felt good about losing one or two games over the course of the season. the other team was just plain better. It meant we had to go back to the practice field and focus more of our efforts in our weak areas. Instead of blaming the other team of being too god, and demanding tha tthe number one team in the league be disqualified, we just learned to adapt and overcome, if possible. If not, then go make every effort to win by luck.
Being a father myself, I would quickly lose my cool if my son's coach ever forfeit a game simply because the other team was better, and he thought that the team didn't stand a chance. Part of youth sports is that children learn how to deal with defeat. If coach can't let that happen, then maybe he just doesn't need to be coaching sports at all. We're setting ourselves up for a future and candy-assed people going into the working world with an ability of accepting that you don't always get what you want. Work your damndest for it, and keep working until you get it, but understand that in the laws of life, it's nobody's obligation to just up and give it to you.
I can't wait to see who this kid gets drafted by in 10 years. Hopefully it's the Padres.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Teddy's Song

Well folks, the DNC Convention is going on, and only moments ago, Senator Kennedy took the stage to lage applause. Must meen that's the Democrats are getting ready to hold a new vote in Congress making it okay to drown young women when you're drunk as long as you're a senator. So, in honor of the Senator from Massachussetts, I changed the lyrics of Katy Perry's "I kissed a girl" to something more suitable to Senator Kennedy's honor. Try singing with a psuedo Boston accent.


This was never the way I planned
Not my intention
I got in the car,
drink in hand
Lost my discretion
It's just what I'm used to
Just wanna run away
I'm worried for me
I lost my attention

I killed a girl and I liked it
Drove her off a bridge in Chappaquiddick
I killed a girl just to try it
I hope my senate district don't mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'll call the cops tonight
I killed a girl and I liked it
I liked it

No, I don't even know your name
It doesn't matter, You're my experimental game
Just human nature, It's what, Senators do
Not how they should behave
My head gets so confused
Hard to obey

I killed a girl and I liked it
Drove her off a bridge in Chappaquiddick
I killed a girl just to try it
I hope my senate district don't mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'll call the cops tonight
I killed a girl and I liked it
I liked it

Us Senators are magical
Soft head, red nose, so liberal
Hard to resist so questionable
Too good to deny it
Ain't no big deal, it's innocent

I killed a girl and I liked it
Drove her off a bridge in Chappaquiddick
I killed a girl just to try it
I hope my senate district don't mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'll call the cops tonight
I killed a girl and I liked it
I liked it

Friday, August 22, 2008

Chinese lies and the announcement of Joe Biden: Coincidence?

Over the last week or so the media has been in a feeding frenzy over the two top biggest news morsels in a long buffet line of news stories happening all over. Casey Anthony was freed, a tropical storm came in, Russia lied when they signed the cease fire, Mayor Bloomberg wants to put windmills on top of the buildings, and so on. No two stories have taken up more of my tv screen this week, than China lying about their gymnastics girl's ages, and Senator Obama's pick for his VP candidate. Is it mere coincidence that these two stories are happening simultaneously? Yup, but it's still kinda funny to think that the two biggest communist countries in the world are making news at the same time for lying to the world the same week as the DNC National Convention. Senator Obama made his choice in Senator Joe Biden. I'm reminded of a liberal literary favorite entitled "LIES! AND THE LYING LIARS THAT TELL THEM." Communist China is lying, Communist Russia is lying, and then the news comes out about this. Hmmmmmm... It very well could be pure coincidence, and more than likely is, but it's still entertaining.
Enough about that, let's discuss what exactly we're getting ourselves into with this selection. Senator Biden, who has been serving in the US Senate since the 70's, is an open supporter of Roe v Wade. This is pretty much in tune with Senator Obama's stance, but hopefully not as extreme. Obama thinkis it's still ok to abort the child, even after it's already been born. Is anyone else feeling kinda sick? It was my understanding that liberals long held to the belief that life did not begin until th efetus exited the womb. Yet, here is a clear case in which the fetus had exited, and Barack still says, it's ok to end the child's life. With these two on the ticket for the dems, I don't see much changing in the struggle for ending this heinous practice. Although, I'm still wondering how one can be for post-birth abortions, and anti-death penalty. It's ok to kill a baby, but no ok to kill a heinous monster who just raped and murdered a seven year-old? Where are your priorities Mr. Senator?
Oil: ANWR. this has to be the pot of gold a tthe end of the rainbow. Just sitting there waiting to be taken. So much oil sits under the ANWR preserve that could just about free us from the dependency of foreign oil that we have in this country. And we just can't get to it, because the democrats just refuse to listen to reason, and want to only spout rhtoric about our energy crisis, instead of actually doing anything. And, guessed it. Senator Biden is one of those liberal do-nothings. He has continously voted against drilling in the Alaskan oil field, off-shore sites (one of which holds more oil than all of Saudi Arabia combined). How the hell are we supposed to free ourselves, if you won't let us, Mr. Senator?
Time and time again Senator Biden has presented the American public with a problem, and no real solution. His voting record speaks for itself when you see how he voted on certain issues (Iraq War, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, etc...) and the flip-flops afterward. Wait....isn't that from the Senator Kerry Playbook? Delaware and Massachusetts are pretty close to each other. "I voted for the war, but that was before I voted against it!" Wow! That's amazing.
I'm left with a bad taste in my mouth for our United States Senate. With these two bozo's representing the DNC ticket, and the Dems controlling both houses, this only brings to light the continuing follies and bends in the truth that that would love for us to believe. It's so easy to see that Obama/Biden are going to base their campaign on pulling a blanket over our eyes, and putting on a show for the American public like David Coperfield. Only this time, when we open our eyes, we'll be missing our pay checks every time we go to the pumps. We'll be spending more on the taxes they created to fund themselves, than what we're actually getting.
I'm no more impressed with Obama's pick, than if he had picked Senator Clinton. At least with her, you know you're getting screwed from the beginning.
Senator McCain, where's your answer?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

8-19-08. I'M A NEW BLOGGER!!!!

Well, here I start my blog. My own little section of the web to post my rantings and ravings of the audacities of the liberal left and the Democratic National Committee...and sometimes the misadventures into stupidity of my own party, the Republican National Committe (GOP), the conservative wing. Hopefully that won't be as often. As most folks who already know me, know that I am fairly bull headed, and it takes a lot to get me to change my views on most anything, but I'm always willing to listen to a new point of view. I may not agree with it, but at least I'll listen. I draw from many different influences. First off, my grandfather. Unfortunately for the world, he passed away a couple of years ago. Fighting in WWII, LT Richard Wilbur, USN, gave birth to my mama in the fifties, who then gave birth to an over-opinionitve little boy at the beginning of the eighties. That was me. I grew up listening to Rush Limbaugh on the radio, and even watching his tv program. I read Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, the Politically Incorrect Guides, etc... I drive home from work everyday listening to Roger Hedgecock. Yup, I live in sunny San Diego, California. Probably the last bastion of conservative though in Southern California. We can just give up on North California. That's one big safe haven for liberal follies.
Now that you guys know a little bit about me, let's get this shin-dig started.
In the news nowadays, as we all know, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) is facing off against Senator Barrak Obama (D-IL). At this point all I've determined is that I'm not voting for Senator Obama. I have yet to form an opinion on Senator McCain. I have reservations on his plan for immigration reform. Something about such a blanket of amnesty for people soaking up my tax dollars while remaining within the United States illegaly just disturbs me.
As for Senator Obama....I just simply cannot support him. His plans for troop pullouts based on his timeline is wrong. His being dead set against drilling (even though recently saying he might support in the idea of compromise) is wrong. I just don't believe him. His ideas, while having sometimes the right thing at heart, are not fully thought out, ill-advised, and mostly appearing to be only for star charm. And what the hell is the idea of having George Clooney as a top advisor? Did I miss something? I know President Reagan, Governor Ventura, and Governor Szchwarzenegger were all movie stars as well, but something about Mr. Clooney all of the sudden becoming a top advisor to a presidential candidate seems odd. I need to do some more researching on this before I speak anymore on it. Same goes with Angelina Jolie, who seems to have turned a new leaf over the last year, and now, to some small degree, supports the efforts our troops are making in Iraq ro rebuild the war-torn country and restore peace (what little actually exists between the three tribes). Again, I need to dig a little more on this, even though Rosanne Barr seems to be pretty pissed at her for her supporting the efforts while having asian and african childeren. Seems Rosanne thinks that Angelina's adopted kids should be influencing her to support Senator Obama alone. She even said as much in her post saying that since one of her kids skin colo matched Senator Obama's, then she should support him because of that. What a strange woman.
Anyhow, that's the end of my first entry here. I hope I've at least touched your curiosity to come back from time to time to read my thoughts on what's going on in the politcal arena. I'll do my best to update a few times a week. If I fall behind, I apologize. I do keep a hectic schedule at my real job.