Friday, September 19, 2008

This week in voting away your pocket book

Well, Monday had to have been one of the most treacherous days in congressional history. Probably one of the most important bills for congress to vote on, was written hastily, unclearly, rushed, pushed and then the democrats pulled a sheet over the eyes of the American public and voted the bill into the Senate the next day. Some of you may already be aware of HR 6899. This was going to be the big Bi-partisan energy bill that would help us to drill for more oil here in the United States, and get us off of our dependence for foreign oil to refine and may huge amounts of taxes on. I'll take this opportunity to say to House Minority Leader, Representative John Boehner, Kudos to you! Folks, the way Representative Boehner stood up before his fellow members of the House and called this bill for what it was, a sham, was gutsy, brave and almost heroic. A 230 page document introduced at 9:45 pm, and then expected to be voted on the following afternoon. The democrats wanted everyone to read this...nobody did. Rep. Boehner even asked, by show of hands, how many people had actually read the entire bill. The room fell silent, and not one hand was shown on CSPAN. I was absolutely disheartened on Tuesday by the actions of our House of Representatives. To actually vote in a bill that they had just admitted to not fully understanding is wreckless and irresponsible. To everyone living in a district represented by a Democrat, or even one of the 14 or 15 Republicans that actually voted for this written piece of garbage, call them up and demand a reasonable explanation. The only purpose I see this serving is the opportunity for them to say, "Look, there was a bill in favor of drilling, and I voted for it!" Unfortunately, this particular bill did not relax any of the current restrictions on drilling, and in fact, put in more red tape in some areas. Really, the only thing that was voted on with this bill was more Democrat strategy for them to keep their jobs by lying to hard working, tax paying Americans who they are hoping don't pay too much attention to the news, and channel surf past CSPAN. Shame on them.
Enough of that. There were a few things going on this week. Governor Sarah Palin sat down with Sean Hannity for a one on one interview, and consistently answered every one of his questions with ease and confidence. Not once contradicting herself. The more and more her ideas for this country come to surface, I get scared of having an America without McCain and Palin at the helm. We need the kind of change they will bring to DC.
Oh! before I forget, let me back up a little. Monday morning. I was driving from the gym back to my office around half past eight, and passed a black SUV with some shoe polish writing in all the windows. No biggie, see stuff like that all the time, right? Wrong. This lady had every window covered with praise for Obama. The rear window is what really got me worried, though. "OBama '08 / Time for (up arrow) Change! / VOTE OR DIE!" Does anyone else see a problem here? Other than a liberal driving a gas-guzzling SUV? Vote or die? I'm wondering how she exactly plans to enforce this. But, this wasn't the last time this week that an Obama supporter would do something like this. Think back further in this campaign to Senator Obama making a statement that our National Anthem promotes war, and should be changed to something different. Earlier this week, a YouTube video was posted dating back to July, in which forward for the Dallas Mavericks, Josh Howard, is shown while the the Star Spangled Banner is playing. He's told that the national anthem is playing, and he says, "The Star-Spangled Banner' is going on. I don't celebrate this s---. I'm black."
So, apparently skin color makes you exempt from showing respect to the nation in which you live, and provides the very freedom he's exercising in not standing still. That's fine, he's entitled to his opinion. But, what really gets this going is what he said next, you hear another male, probably the cameraman say, "Obama '08!" Which is then immediately followed by Josh Howard with, "Obama, and all that s---!" Gee...Obama has some swell support for him. These are the kind of guys he should put on tv to campaign for him.
Has anyone seen these new ads on spanish tv for both candidates? As I hear more about it, it seems that Senator OBama first put out a spanish commercial claiming that Senator McCain is anti-immigration, and that Rush Limbaugh thinks all mexicans are monkeys and unintelligent. Senator McCain countered with an equally untrue commercial claiming that Obama voted "No" on the immigration reform, and national security bills that would enforce immigrations requirements and laws. In truth, and I hate to admit this, Obama voted in favor of both issues. Not once, but twice. I know that recently I've been showing a lot of support for John McCain, but wrong is just plain wrong. Both candidates showed poor judgement when they endorsed these ads, and both should face the music and apologize to the American public they expected to be dumb enough to believe the lies. Sadly, I only see John McCain as being man enough to step up to the plate and actually do it. Which is also one of the reasons, I can't vote for OBama...ever. I just can't trust him to ever show strong enough conviction to anything, and definitely not enough cojones to admit when he's wrong, or has done something wrong. I honestly expect him, in some way to twist this just enough to where he won't have to apologize to anybody for anything, and shift the blame onto the republicans. I see it coming. Mark this day on your calendars.
As I write this blog, I'm getting tired. It's kinda late at night, and I desperately need some sleep, so I'm going to wrap this one up here. I will post again a little sooner than I posted this one. In the meantime, however, I will remain diligent in my research for issues that should be addressed here, and make sure that at least my voice is heard from the tiny corner of the Blog-osphere.

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