Friday, November 21, 2008

I'm sort of back

Greetings good internet folk. I'm sure it's now sort of safe to say, I'm back. There've been a few set backs in my real life as of late, but it's not enough to keep me from providing my thoughts on things in general. In case anyone is wondering...yes my boss is still retarded, most of the people I work with are morons, and we now have a socialist as our president-elect. Hooray!
Tonight's post isn't going to be too least I don't think it will be.
Just to re-cap however: McCain/Palin were up for a minute in October and then overshadowed again by the big leberal lie machine as Obama was promoted into the ranks of presidency on the night of Novemeber 4th. Election results came back surprisingly quick. Everyone is blaiming Sarah Palin for the loss, and I still have no real idea why other than people being unable to accept their own idiocy and shortcomings in life and blaiming others for their being inept.
Pirates are running ramapant still off the horn fo Africa, and people are surprised by this. I believe the word "duh" sums up my thoughts on this. Think back to the times of wooden, tall-masted ships, and think, "Gee...pirates weren't too nice back then either. Only now technology prevails and they can use an RPG instead of a cutlass." Too bad those swashbuckling days are over.
Casey Anthony...oh screw it. This girl's head is so screwed up it's scary. Worse yet her little girl is dead, and she's too dumb to figure out she did it. I'm moving on.
Shrillary Clinton has been given the nod for Secretary of State...f--- me. We're screwed. If Jimmy Carter didn't set our Foreign Policy back 20 years, she'll finish the job.
What ever happened to the news of Osama Bin Laden's new video? Oh yeah, the liberal media didn't want us to see UBL being happy that Obama won the election. Why does he hate us again? Oh yeah, because we aren't muslim like he is. Hey, that's reason enough for me to go kill people with airplanes! Whoopee!
High School Musical 3 came out recently...can't they just quit? How many more of those movies do we really need in our society? That and the Home Alone series. They should've quit half-way through the first one.
Oh! before I forget Prop 8 won! I rejoice. Not because certain people can't get married, but because of how it came about. Back in 2006 it was put up for voting as Prop 22. Guess what? It passed! But, California's activist Supreme Court overruled a valid winning vote and overturned what the populous of California voted on. So, you can vote on it, but the judges in Sacremento can tell you to take your vote and shove it if they want to. Even though the vote fell in line perfectly with the state's constitution, and the U.S. Constitution that all the state's govern themselves. I've had many debates on this issue with countless folks. It always comes down to legallity of the whole thing in general. Now, I did vote Yes on 8. I made a concious decission to ban gay California of all states. Go figure. The measure passed and what's happening now? History Part II. The California State Supreme Court is hearing cases. Do we really have to go through this every two years?
The news can somtimes be a funny thing. Unlike Al Franken. Did he end up finally accepting defeat?
Oh well. I'm out.